忆缘 Yuan

忆缘 Yuan

I have decided to sign and finish doing this piece of work today. It has been a very dramatic piece. I started doing it when I was 5 months pregnant with Yuan. Shortly after that, when I was approaching 6 months in pregnancy, Yuan passed away in my womb. During my confinement after delivering and buried him, I continued and did most of the painting at that time..Then as I was about to finish the work, during confinement, a terrible and unforeseen accident happened to it. The painting fell from the easel and got a tear in the middle! I was devastated!! At that point, I felt so down and sad…unmotivated too. However, I pulled myself together and tell myself that this is just another test from God. So I patched the tear and do the necessary touches to the painting to salvage it. Finally it was done! This is a piece of heirloom for my sons. To commemorate the loss of their younger brother and also to remind them to treasure family love. 一幅波折重重的作品,这幅名为“忆缘”的画将是我留给儿子们的珍藏。